Quarantine and Accessories
I love accessories!
I love jewelries!
Yup! I love making them, even if I don't wear them as much as any female-loving accesorizer does. So whenever I am in malls whether I am just passing through, I would spend more time googling them even if I've seen them more than a dozen times already (as in every day!).
Here are some hair bands on display at Landark Makati. They range from Ph39 (simple single color or metal) to more than Ph200-300 (sometimes these are the pretty little things that you may not find in any shop).
Simple but still cute hair bands at Landmark Makati. These are priced at Ph59+ upwards.
Some more hair bands, I think these are priced at Ph79+ upwards
Some more hair bands, I think these are priced at Ph89+ upwards
I think these are priced at Ph89+ upwards
The price of these cuties usually start at less than Ph50 upwards
And these striking pretties are from Ph 70+ upwards
When I make accessories. I usually go to the mecca of accessory makers -- Quiapo. But I go directly to the queen - Wellmanson.
Here are some ready-made necklaces that you can also recreate into your own style or idea.
Some display cases are placed strategically inside the store to give you ideas on which to buy and use.
Another display case
And here they are -- the mommies!
Here are more shots of sample accessories that you can DIY!
And if you are like me who likes to spend time creating accessories, this place is definitely the go-to place!
Just rows and rows of hanging eye candy!
Hats too! A close friend is fond of them so I bought one for her.
Would you like to try one? These hats are best when you spend a lot of time outdoors. You should use these hats if you don't have an umbrella with you.
There is a lot to choose from. Pick one!
I like the yellow color. It means happiness and good days to me.
These are classy!
I like those two too! Simply classic!
How much? I don't remember, ut I know these are very very affordable. I think they cost not more than $2-5 today (the hat in the pic below was just over $2). This shopping jaunt was done pre-pandemic, around 2018.
And here are some more of their goods
You can buy these alphabet links and other cute charms too for your bracelets or necklaces.
Have fun in your DIY! Take care while shopping and it would be better/safer and more fun to bring someone with you too.
Use your face mask! Stay safe!