Showing posts with label star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2010

No Documentation Loans!

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I was spending my free time (Sundays) with some of our neighbors on our backyard when the talk centered into mortagages and loans. It seems that my husband and I were'nt the only ones thinking of how to pay our home's mortgage every payday.

Anna is even thinking of swapping their home for a condo unit (much more affordable to his and her husband's combined monthly salary. But Lisa the more positive thinker in our group suggests we try to apply for loans. A loan can really be a problem the moment you're late for your payment. So most of us eschewed the idea. Lisa though is persistent so she immediately scanned in her mini notebook for a lending company that she thinks will suit each of our needs and individual financial range.

One of the websites that we dissected was Five Star. Five Star, to our surprise, offers 10 -15-20-25-30-40 year loan programs! And 0% -1% -2% -3%-5% -10% - 20% down payment/ltv options are also being offered.

Five Star even offers NO VERIFICATION or NO DOCUMENTATION LOANS for those who are employed and with good credit! Now that's some kind of icing!

You can get more details at its website at 

Monday, April 5, 2010

jade bracelet

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Happy Easter Everyone!

Hope you've had a meaningful holy week with your family and friends.

I tried not to mind the hot weather by doing things I've been meaning to do, like my wire jewelry hobby.

An officemate ordered a jade bracelet so I made one last weekend. I used star shaped jade, 10k 5mm gold wire, some 10k gold balls, and a 10k classic clasp.
Here's another picture of the bracelet I did. My officemates really liked it. They say it's cute!

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